Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 2: Getting into the flow

Today was a clarifying. It's good to have a job. It's even better when your job is defined and with purpose. A big thanks goes out to Dan Johnson for providing both a definition and a purpose. I feel I am being set up for success rather than being left to linger in the murky waters of unspoken expectation.

On a related topic, I spent the day finding a to do system that works for me. After all, I spend most of my time working with many different machines and I really need to keep my life organized. I've decided the iPad is my best friend because it loves the cloud so much. Email, synced. Calendars, synced. Documents, synced. I have been using my iPad so much that if there is a case that would allow me to velcro it to my hip, I think I would find it quite useful. It goes with me to the classrooms, faculty room, lunch, and anywhere else that I might actually talk to someone. Why? Because being with people usually entails a sentence with the phrase, "could you...?" It is so nice to write those down rather than forgetting them in the walk down the hallway. Not quite sure what I mean? Just read Patrick McManus' story about puttering around town on errands.

After playing around with multiple apps that sync with Google tasks, reacquainting myself with Evernote, and trying to find a way to integrate with USU's Exchange server, I've decided to give Wunderlist a chance to win my allegiance. So far, so good. Let the lists begin. (and go away faster than they are created)

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